Keilor does well in 2018 LAV cross country relays - 2018, 2 June, Cruden Farm

It was the Cross Country Relays inaugural event, and 210 teams from across the State came together at Cruden Farm in Langwarrin.  Keilor Athletics was proud to have 18 athletes join together to have 6 teams running.

Cruden farm is known to provide some rough weather conditions for cross country, but whilst it was brisk in the morning, the sun came out and our Keilor athletes shone.

Congratulations to all of our Keilor athletes who all ran extremely well against some very tough competition, including some of our athletes running up an age group. 

Our teams were:

Under 10 Girls:

  • Azalea Mankelow (10)
  • Eleanor Duggan (9)
  • Ella McMenamin (9)

Under 12 girls

  • Lara Scanner (11)
  • Chiara Hutchinson (12)
  • Madison Camburn (12)


  • Charlotte Duggan (12)
  • Maire McEvoy (12)
  • Tuana Kul (11)

Under 11 boys

  • Noah McMenamin (11)
  • Finn Daffey (10)
  • Royce Goudy (11)

Under 12 boys

  • Dilan Egodowatte (12)
  • Samuel Scodella (12)
  • Curtis Rawlings (12)

Under 14 boys

  • James Wilcox (14)
  • Jackson McMenamin (14)
  • Anzac Pirika (14)

Keilor also managed to get onto the podium and grab a few sashes on the day.  With the first event the Keilor U14 boys fought hard in a very fast race to come 2nd.  Congratulations James Wilcox, Jackson McMenamin and Anzac Pirika.   In the second event of the day, our U11 boys went to the front  and didnt look back, coming home with 1st and a blue sash.  Congratulations to Noah McMenamin, Finn Daffey and Royce Goudy.

We are all looking forward to seeing our talented athletes running at the Region Cross Country.

Thank you to everyone for making the long trip out and we hope to have many more teams running next year.

For photos from the event, cllck the link to the Facebook found below:


Thanking our volunteers of the year - Libby Derks and Michael Taylor

Every year the KLAC committee nominates an individual for the prestigious award of "Volunteer of the Year", an award to be handed out at presentation day. This year, we nominated two - being our chief starters, Michael Taylor and Libby Derks. 

The committee was very pleased to acknowledge the support of both Michael and Libby. Besides turning up every week to start the Keilor program, they also help with starting in regional and state events. Both have been doing so for some years now. 

Well done to both Libby and Michael!

Michael and Libby.jpg

Age group changes - what do they mean for you?

From September 2018, the age group birth date cut off will be changed. Rather than the official age of an athlete (U9, etc) being based on their age as of 30th September, it will instead be based on their age as of 31st December. 

This has been changed by Little Athletics Australia in order to align our age groups with senior and school athletics throughout Australia.

A summary of the changes and impacts is as follows:

  • The age group anniversary date will change in the 2018/19 season to 31 December
  • Athletes born between October and December will increment two age groups in 2018/19
  • Athletes born between January and September are unaffected by the change
  • The age groups will align with national school sport competitions
  • Athletes will remain in the same age group for the duration of the summer season

For example, an U10 athlete born between 1 Jan and 30 Sep will move to the U11 age group.  An U10 athlete born between 1 Oct and 31 Dec will advance two age groups to the U12 age group.

Both groups of athletes will find themselves competing with a slightly different set of competitors - and some competitors will be the same. 

While we appreciate that this will be a big change for some, we have confidence in the resilience of our athletes, and expect them to adapt pretty quickly to the new age groups.

There are a handful of changes to help with this transition:

  • In the 2018/19 season, U16s will be allowed to compete in regional and state events. This will be a one-off year for U16s competing at this level.
  • In this same season, the U11 clinics (run by LAV) will also be open to U12s
  • Young athletes who turn 5 between 30th September and 31st December will be allowed to compete in the U6s for that season, and for the whole of that season, even if they are less than 5 years old on the dates when they register. This change will be permanent. 


Looking for more information?

Little Athletics Victoria have also prepared a webpage with helpful information - check this out via the link below:

young athletes.jpg


In preparation for our AGM to be held this Saturday, as part of the Centre Champs, we have published our annual report. This is found, in draft form, by clicking the image below.:

This Annual Report is currently in draft form because we are still waiting for a report from our auditors. Once we have this report, we will finalise this, and let members know that is has been finalised.

Update – the minutes from the the AGM are now published, and found here.