Results, PB medals and Centre Records

On this page you can access our online results, check your PB medals, and look up centre records..

Further down there are details of what you can do if you think that results are mistaken.

Results hq

Results HQ is the online results program for both our track and field and cross-country seasons. You can look up results on your computer or phone. Instructions on how to use Results HQ are found here.


Keilor is very proud of our PB medal program. Once an athlete achieves 7 PBs over a season, they get a bronze medal, while 14 PBs earn a silver and 21 PBs earn a gold.

The list of medals earned is found via the above button. Please note that while PB performances during the Centre Champs do earn an athlete a PB flag, these will not be counted towards the PB medals.


Keilor has had some great athletes over the years, but even so our talented athletes continue to break records. An up to date list of records is found via the above button. 


What if there is A mistake, or the results I am looking for are not there?

We aim to upload results throughout a Saturday morning, although sometimes the full set of results will not be uploaded until Saturday afternoon, or even later if there are technical issues (although we endeavour to all have results confirmed by the following Wednesday).

We use complex electronic equipment and systems to record times, and rely on parent volunteers, just like you, to enter results for field events on tablets. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, mistakes are made, and even the electronic timing equipment can give false results from time to time. If you think that a mistake has been made, or a result is unreasonably late, please send an email to Mike at

Our results manager Mike will then do the best he can to review the situation and correct any errors where possible.

But in return, we do ask you to appreciate that on Saturday mornings we run a large complex program with the minimum number of volunteers (i.e. parents just like you) that we think are necessary.

To eliminate all mistakes would require a lot more parent volunteers to be rostered every Saturday morning. We do not think that our parents want this - and as we say from time to time:  "This is not the Olympics".

And a handful of specific points:

  • There are around 1100 results recorded every Saturday. We don’t have the capacity to review each result individually.

  • However, we do review all record-breaking results. To set a record requires an athlete to beat all of the excellent athletes that have gone before, and all of the other athletes in the event on the day. When reviewing record performances we consider the previous performances of the athlete, and whether one of our officials witnessed the performance or the measurement. Sometimes, due to the technical issues that arise from time to time, what appears to be a record-breaking performance is considered to be a mistake and we remove these performances - it would be unfair to our other athletes not to delete these mistakes.

  • Our results system can take a day or more to fully capture a newly registered athlete. For this reason, we implore families to complete all registration requirements and payment by 6pm on the Friday if they wish to have results for a Saturday morning. If you instead complete registrations on a Saturday, we cannot promise that your athletes will receive all or some of their results for that Saturday.

  • Sometimes families have trouble logging into their Results HQ account, which can be frustrating. If this happens to you, as a first step please check that the username you are using to log into ResultsHQ with is the same email address that you used to register your athletes with (look for the registration receipts in this email address). If this does not fix the issue, please email us - but ideally, try to include a screenshot or photo of your error message, and pictures of the steps preceding the error message. This can help us diagnose and fix your login issues sooner.

  • Sometimes Results HQ does not automatically update PB counts as fast as it could. This does not matter - prior to the handing of PB medals every week, we do a recalculation of PB results, and this catches any missing PB notifications. Typically this recalculation happens around the Thursday prior to the medals being handed out.