STATE COMBINED EVENT, 1st & 2nd February

Congratulations to our State Champions


     SIENNA GEC U/10

This is the 2nd Year in a row Sienna has won this competition.  On Saturday Sienna competed against over 80 other athletes from around the state. A great show of continued development and stamina over the past 12 months. Go Girl!


For Frank, he is continuing his dominance in Multi event competitions. Earlier in the season, Frank won the State Senior Aths U/15 Title in the Athletics Victoria Vic Multi-event Championships in Bendigo achieving a State record. Frank is heading to America soon to compete in the Simplot Games and will compete in the Australian National Event in Sydney later in the year. A fantastic achievement Frank - wish you Good Luck.


In total thirty athletes represented Keilor Athletics Club at the State Combined Events over the weekend at Lakeside Stadium.

The Combined Events consist of five events for U/9 – U/13 athletes and six events for the U/14’s and seven events for U/15 & U/16 athletes. The Combined competition requires strength in a variety of disciplines and endurance to compete over a long time. Each athlete competes in all events and points are awarded for each event. At the end of the day, points are then tallied for an overall winner.

It was great to see so many athletes attend this Combined event, many for the first time. Our athletes showed a strong determination to strive towards personal best performances and work hard all day, especially in their final event, the 800m.

Congratulations to all of our Keilor athletes.


Charlotte Pellow

Charlie DeBono

Yasr Hannie


Hannah Gec

Sienna Gec

Tayissa Kekoc

Nate Pokorzynski

Prabhpreet Rangi

Michael Sayed

Oliver Sobell


Abigail Pellow

Brandon Cvetanoski

James Darmanin

Jamie Postregna


Kiara Boyd

Alicia Gec

Liam Fagone-Lazita

Marcus Franze

Mitchell Iannello

Mark Mavrakis

Lucas Scerri

Luca Vella


Finn Daffey

Noah McMenamin

Sukhnoor Rangi

Khushnoor Rangi


Jasmine Galang


Maire McEvoy

Frank Mazza


Maddison Reynolds

Fantastic results Team Keilor – Hope to see more of our athletes try this event next season.

Please see our Facebook page for some photos of our State Champions and other Keilor athletes.


Keilor Gift - U12 Handicap race, Saturday 15th Feb - Winners announced!

Updated 15 February 2020 - Winners announced!

Congratulations to our 2020 Keilor Gift U12 winners Roman Muse and Charli Mangan. As always it was a tight race, but Roman and Charli pulled that little extra out to cross the line first in their races.

Many people would have heard of the Stawell Gift, a famous handicap running race held in Stawell every Easter. In fact, this is one of a series of such races, including the Keilor Gift, which will be held next Saturday at the Keilor Football Club.

As part of this, the Keilor Gift holds an U12 handicap event for both girls and boys, and our club invites our U12 (and U11) athletes to participate.

The list below shows the Keilor athletes who will be participating, and the distances that they will start of - we thank all athletes and their families for representing Keilor.

To read the table, if we take the Boys race for example, Noah and Antoinee will start at 0 Metres (run the full race), while Connon Prendergast will start 15m in front of him. The aim of the handicapper is that all of the athletes finish at the same time - last year it was a very close and exciting finish, so hopefully we get the same this year.

In both the boys and girls races, the last listed athlete (in italics) is the emergency, in case one of the top 8 cannot compete.

Boys Under 12 (some athletes are under 11)

Boys handicap.jpg

Girls Under 12 (and U11)

girls handicap.jpg

We wish all athletes the best of luck on the day! - anyone can win this race…….

KLAC 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner - Friday 7th Feb 2020, from 7pm. Tickets SOLD OUT


50 years ago this summer, a group of people came together to form Keilor Little Athletics - and we think that both this, and the 50 years of effort and achievement since then, are well worth celebrating.

And we are going to do this on Friday 7th February 2020 at 7pm, with a special dinner at lakeside Banquet & Convention Centre in. Taylors Lakes . This will include a 3-course meal with beer, wine or soft drinks, and music entertainment. This should be a great night as the past and current officials and parents come together to celebrate 50 years of helping young people grow as athletes and people.

Tickets are now SOLD OUT - Thank to all whom have supported this event.

Any questions? Contact (KLAC past president) Sam Barbuto on 0415 688 674, or current president Wayne Mangion on 0410 406 708.


The location of the Lakeside Banquet & Convention Centre in Taylors Lakes is shown below.



At Casey Fields Athletics track on Saturday 14th December we had  46 teams competing - Keilor’s highest number of teams ever - at the State Relay Championships.

Our team of over 80 athletes should be congratulated for their determined running, and for demonstrating excellent team spirit and support for each other throughout the long day.  You gave your parents, family and coaches many reasons to cheer, smile and be extremely proud of your efforts.

Although not every team came home with a medal, all age groups and teams showed great strength, resilience and commitment with many PB’s smashed from the Regional Event to the State event.  We are excited to see what you can produce next season!

Special mention goes to all the coaches – Tim Golder, Brian McEvoy, Steve Scodella, Louise Muse & Michelle Graham, Zlatan & Maryanne Gec and Warren Hosking and all their assistants.  A thank you to all the parents who take their kids to training and lead up events to ensure they are prepared for racing and to represent Keilor.  Lastly a huge thanks to Michelle Graham who was the Team Manager at Regional and State relay events.  Michelle puts in a lot of work to get the roster correct, planning for the events and dealing with protests and other issues on the day.  We are indebted to Michelle for her commitment and passion to the role.

  • U/9 teams: It was the athletes first experience in relays and got better every time they got out on the track.  We look forward to seeing these athletes develop and improve in the coming seasons.

  • U/10 Teams: this group seems to always have fun at training and they replicated their fun on the track and were a delight to watch.  All teams did really well and the friendships this group has formed will only grow and will show even more in their results in seasons to come.

  • U/11 Teams: All 11 athletes produced some great performances on the day and their training and hard work was evident on the day.  We look forward to watching this group develop together and performing at relay events.

  • U/12 Teams: over 20 athletes (record for Keilor) competed in eight different events – what a strong depth of talent we have at this age group. We look forward to more achievements next season.

  • U/13 Teams: All six teams that ran finished in the top 8 in the state – an excellent achievement.

  • U/14 Teams: High expectations were placed on the U14 teams and they did not disappoint.  The team has a great synergy and friendships amongst the athletes and those connections will only improve for the next couple of seasons.

  • U/15 Teams: A small team but full of heart performed well and did Keilor and their families proud.

  • U/16 Teams: 12 athletes competed in the relays for the last time. Some of these athletes have being training with Tim for the past 6 years, demonstrating an amazing friendship and connection between the athletes, with loads of talent and deep respect between the coach and his athletes. They have achieved a lot together. All seven teams that ran finished in the top 6 in the state. Congratulations to all the U/16 teams.

Team Keilor came home with

  • 6 GOLD

  • 6 SILVER

  • 2 BRONZE


Our medal winning teams were:


·         GOLD:             4 x 100m Boys team

·         SILVER:           4 x 100m Mixed team

·         SILVER:           4 x 200m Mixed team


·         BRONZE:        4 x 200m Boys team


·         GOLD:             4 x 100m Mixed team

·         GOLD:             4 x 100m Boys team

·         BRONZE:        4 x 200m Boys team

·         SILVER:           4 x 200m Mixed team


·         SILVER:           4 x 100m Mixed team


·         GOLD:             4 x 200m Boys team

·         GOLD:             Medley Boys team


·         GOLD:             4 x 200m Mixed team

·         SILVER:           4 x 200m Girls team

·         SILVER:           4 x 100m Mixed team

Thank you also to our wonderful team of coaches and their helpers:

  • U/16, U12 & U/11 Tim Golder,     

  • U/15 Brian McEvoy,

  • U/14 Steve Scodella,                     

  • U/13 Louise Muse,

  • U/10 Zlatan & Maryanne Gec     

  • U/9 Warren Hosking

Make sure you look at all our relay photos on our Facebook page.

Go Team Keilor – Let’s do it all again next year.


An amazing day of teamwork and running by our athletes to win 29 of the 65 races.  As a result, we won the overall club score total by over 40 points. Our best result ever.

Our relay teams seem to be going from strength the strength over the past few years with our senior teams leading the way with their commitment and passion for the Relays. A big thank you to these older athletes showing our younger teams how to perform and leading by example. Our U/9’s in their first experience of relays were impressive and determined to do themselves and the club proud – well done.

A very big thank you to our coaches, a great effort to get our teams trained and ready for the NMR event and to have all athletes in the correct spot and the correct time.

To our wonderful parents, thank you for your support of the Keilor Little Athletics Club, completing duties and cheering for all our athletes.


Good luck to the many teams who will be competing at the State Relays in Casey on Saturday the 14th December.


Go Team Keilor!

Our outstanding medal results:


Girls 4 x 200m           2nd

Mixed 4 x 200m          2nd & 3rd


Girls 4 x 200m            1st

Girls Medley                1st

Boys 4 x 200m            1st

Boys 4 x 100m            2nd 

Boys Medley               3rd

Mixed 4 x 200m          1st   & 3rd

Mixed 4 x 100m          1st  


Girls 4 x 200m            2nd

Boys 4 x 200m            1st

Boys Medley              1st

Mixed 4 x 100m          3rd 


Girls 4 x 200m             1st   & 3rd

Girls 4 x 100m             2nd  

Girls Medley                1st

Boys 4 x 200m            2nd

Boys 4 x 100m            2nd

Boys Medley               1st

Mixed 4 x 200m          1st 

Mixed 4 x 100m          2nd  



Girls 4 x 200m            3rd

Girls 4 x 100m            1st

Girls Medley                1st

Boys 4 x 200m            1st

Boys 4 x 100m            1st

Boys Medley               1st

Mixed 4 x 200m          3rd

Mixed 4 x 100m          2nd  


Girls Medley                1st

Boys 4 x 200m            1st

Boys 4 x 100m            1st

Boys Medley              1st

Mixed 4 x 200m          1st 

Mixed 4 x 100m          1st  


Boys 4 x 200m           1st   & 3rd

Mixed 4 x 200m          1st 

Mixed 4 x 100m          2nd   


Girls 4 x 200m             2nd

Girls 4 x 100m            2nd

Girls Medley                1st

Boys 4 x 200m            1st

Boys 4 x 100m            1st

Boys Medley               1st

Mixed 4 x 200m          1st 

Mixed 4 x 100m          2nd & 3rd

Northern Metro Region Combined Event, 10 Nov 2019

Congratulations to Team Keilor on some fantastic performances at the NMR combined event held on Sunday 10th November 2019.

Thirty four athletes from U/9 – U/16 competed in 5 or 6 events each throughout the day to accumulate points and gain an overall score. Keilor achieved 6 GOLD, 1 SILVER and 1 BRONZE medals.

Our athletes did Keilor Club proud and Keilor finished second overall by only 9 points behind a much bigger club Whittlesea City.

Our individual results were:

U/9 Girls U/9 Boys

GOLD: Charlotte Pellow 7th: Evan Manefield

5th : Maddison Byrne 14th: Yasr Hannie

7th: Phoenix Cotsis 16th: Aidan Hughes

10th: Cecilia Koesasi

U/10 Girls U/10 Boys

GOLD: Sienna Gec 4th: Michael Sayed

BRONZE: Tayissa Kekoc 5th: Oliver Sobell

4th: Hannah Gec 6th: Archie Seidel

U/11Girls U/11 Boys

6th: Abigail Pellow 11th: Brandon Cevtonski

12th: Indiana Cotsis

15th: Veiongo Siale

18th: Sarah Cook

U/12 Girls

5th: Sarah Waring

6th: Alicia Gec

9th: Ella Mc Menamin

15th: Ella Stafford

U/13 Girls U/13 Boys

5th: Dakota Reynolds GOLD: Noah Mc Menamin

6th: Sienna Athaide SILVER: Finn Daffey

9th : Celina Aguilar 5th: Ashton Mc Menamin

U/14 Girls:

GOLD: Lara Sacaner

5th: Susan Siale

U/15 Girls U/15 Boys

GOLD: Maire Mc Evoy 5th: Ariel Melnik

U/16 Girls U/15 Boys

GOLD: Maddison Reynolds 5th: Ariel Melnik

Well done to all our athletes on their achievements and a big thank you for all the support from the Keilor families in completing duties and cheering our team.

Season registrations now open!

Registrations are now open for the 2019/20 season

Our fees for the 2019/20 season are:

  • 1 athlete: $215

  • 2 athletes in one family: $360

  • 3 athletes in one family: $455

  • 4 athletes in one family: $460

  • Cross country season only: $65 per athlete

The links for new and existing members are shown below:

(Existing members - check your email for your login and password details).

Prospective members - not sure yet?

Check out our Come and Try days on 14th and 21st September - no obligation, no fees payable.

2019 Northern Metro Region Cross Country

Congratulations to our 24 Keilor athletes who competed on Saturday at the NMR Cross Country competition hosted by Essendon Little Athletics Club.

In a mixture of weather conditions from cold and wet to sunny our athletes competed against other athletes from around the region to produce some strong running and many personal best performances.

Keilor finished 3rd overall in the clubs competing. Well Done Team Keilor.

Congratulations to our individual and team medal winners.


  •  U/9               Sienna Gec              Gold              &     Hannah Gec                 Silver

  • U/10              Zac Mozjerin            Bronze          &     Abby Pellow        Bronze      

  • U/11              Alicia Gec                Silver            

  • U/13              Sam Scodella          Silver              &     Lara Sacaner      Silver

  • U/15             Jackson Mc Menamin Bronze     &       Talia Roshier     Silver

  • U/16              Alyssa de Martino   Silver



  • U/9   Girls:     Gold

  • U/11 Girls:     Silver

  • U/12 Boys:    Bronze

  • U/13 Girls:     Silver

  • U/15 Girls:     Gold

A big thank you to our families for their support and performing duties throughout the morning.

We wish all our athletes GOOD LUCK at the State Cross Country event in August.

Go team Keilor!

Michelle Graham

Keilor athletes excel at ALAC

Every year Little Athletics Victoria selects their best U13 athletes to represent Victoria at the Australian Little Athletics Championships. On most year we would be very pleased to have one Keilor athlete make the team. In 2018 we had two athletes selected and were very proud - and in 2019 we had 4 athlete selected, truly a stellar year that may not be repeated for some time.

These four outstanding athletes were:

  • Max Busuttil

  • Marco Spagnuolo

  • Dilan Egodawatte

  • Chanachai Kankratok (also known as ‘Lai’)

ALAC has just been held in Hobart this weekend - so how did they go?

  • Lai - Silver in Long Jump, and 100m, Bronze in 200m, part of silver medal winning 4*100 relay team

  • Dilan - Silver in 800m

  • Marco - Silver in Triple Jump, part of silver medal winning 4*100 relay team

  • Max - Silver in 4*100 relay team

So outstanding results at national level for all of the athletes - Keilor is very proud of you all!

Keilor athletes.jpg

The image above show all four of the athletes, while the image below shows the silver medal relay team featuring Max, Lai and Marco.

ALAC relays.jpg

Congratulations to our 2018/19 Centre Champions - and Volunteer of the Year

At the conclusion of the track and field season, Keilor Little Athletics awards a number of trophies, including Boys and Girls Champion, and Volunteer of the Year.

The Boys and Girls Champion are chosen based on points based system, which rewards both participation and performances. This system has been carefully calibrated so that athletes from any group can win this.

The Volunteer of the Year is selected by the committee, and is always a difficult decision for the committee to make, as there are always many suitable nominees.

The winners of these awards for the 2018/19 track and field season are:

  • Girls Champion - U9 Sienna Gec. Sienna has had quite a season, also winning two golds medals at the State Track and Field Events, a gold medal at the State Relay Championships, and the U9 gold medal at the State Multi-event.


Boys Champion - U10 Koby Bewick . Koby is our centre champion for the second year running, and besides this award, won two bronze medals at State Track and Field, and also a gold and two silver medals at the state relay championships.


  • Volunteer of the Year - Michelle Graham. Michelle has the very challenging role of managing Team Keilor at regional and state events, which involves liaising with regional and state bodies, monitoring participation, creating a roster list, managing a roster list on the day, liaising with event directors, dealing with all participation families, and then writing a post-match report. Altogether this is a huge committment, and Michelle does this in a very calm and friendly manner.

Michelle, like Sienna above is shown with our outgoing Centre President Aaron Carmichael. Aaron had the very difficult job of Centre President for a year, and left the centre in very good shape - we thank Aaron greatly for his hard work during the year.


Tim Golder and Warren Hosking Handicap events

Presentation Day was another successful day, with many many athlete taking away medals or trophies. And as always, the day included the finals of the Tim Golder 100m Handicap, and the running of the 800m handicap.

A great set of photos is found on our Facebook page - and some of these are shown below.

Congratulations to our all participants for the Tim Golder 100m and the Warren Hosking 800m Handicaps : and the winners were:

Tim Golder 100m Handicap

  • Girls - Winner was Chloe Agars, runner up Jasmine Galang

  • Boys - Winner was Max Busuttil, runner up Pedro Gounder

Warren Hosking 800m Handicap

  • Girls - Winner was Charlotte Duggan, runner up Lara Sacaner

  • Boys - Winner was Ben Harbour, runner up Ethan Stegehius

KLAC Presentation Day, SUNDAY 31 March, 10am to 12pm

With the excitement of the Centre Champs now over, it is time to focus on the next event on the calendar, the Presentation Day.

What will happen?

  • We open with the finals of the Tim Golder 100m Handicap. The finalists have done well in their heats, but in the final, thanks to our handicapping system, anyone can win…there will boys and girls races (the entrants for this event, and the Warren Hosking handicap, are both published below)

  • We will follow this with the Warren Hosking 800m Handicap - again one boys and one girls race.

  • There will be be some awards handed out to parent volunteers, including the prestigious “Volunteer of the Year”.

  • Athlete participation medals and trophies will then be handed out. There are a variety of trophies for a variety of achievements, including the Centre Boys Champion and Centre Girls Champion - which can be won by athletes of any age group.

BBQ sausages and drinks will be supplied to the athletes.

This is a big day for the club and our athletes - we hope to see you there.

Start Lists for Handicap Races

Tim Golder 100m Handicap - Girls

  • Jasmine Marshall

  • Sophia Tanarte-Crook

  • Chloe Agars

  • Sienna Gec

  • Kiara Boyd

  • Celina Aguilar

  • Jasmine Galang

  • Alyssa Di Martino

  • Maire McEvoy

Tim Golder 100m Handicap - Boys

  • Riley Ciopicz

  • Jordi Seidel

  • Adrian Barresi

  • Sam Lillie

  • Michael Sayed

  • James Darmanin

  • Pedro Gounder

  • Max Busuttil

  • Chanachai Kankratok

  • Lucas Leong

Warren Hosking 800m Handicap - Girls

  • SarahKirk

  • ClaudiaGalang

  • SarahCook

  • Giaan De Fazio

  • Emily Carmichael

  • Ella McMenamin

  • Hannah Gec

  • Abby Pellow

  • Sienna Gec

  • Charlotte Duggan

  • Alicia Gec

  • Kalliopi Sirp

  • Dakota Reynolds

  • Alyssa Di Martino

  • Alana Cortellino

  • Lara Sacaner

Warren Hosking 800m Handicap - Boys

  • Ben Harbour

  • Andre Faure

  • James Harbour

  • Mitchell McCarthy

  • Alexander McCarthy

  • Isaac Faure

  • Oliver Sobell

  • Alex Harbour

  • Archie Seidel

  • Riley Ciopicz

  • Brodie Hughes

  • Lawrence Cassar

  • Damon Agius

  • Roman Muse

  • Ethan Stegehuis

  • Luca Vella

  • Alexandros Sirp

  • Zac Mozjerin

  • Finn Daffey

  • Pedro Gounder

  • Kristian Barresi

  • Jackson McMenamin
