Results, PB medals and Centre Records
On this page you can access our online results, check your PB medals, and look up centre records.
Cross-country results are also available, a little further down this page.
Further down there are details of what you can do if you think that results are mistaken.
Results hq
Results HQ is the online results program using in our summer track and field program - where you can look up results on your computer or phone. Instructions on how to use Results HQ are found here.
Keilor is very proud of our PB medal program. Once an athlete achieves 7 PBs over a season, they get a bronze medal, while 14 PBs earn a silver and 21 PBs earn a gold.
The list of medals earned is found via the above button.
Cross-country results are made available week by week - 2018 results are found below.
Cross-country results
We aim to have almost all results published by mid-afternoons following a Saturday event, if not sooner (note high jump results need to be manually entered and can take longer).
We use electronic equipment to record times, and rely on parent volunteers, just like you, to enter results for field events on tablets. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, mistakes are made, and even the electronic timing equipment can give false results from time to time. If you think that a mistake has been made, or a result is unreasonably late, please contact our Results Manager Lianna Galang on
Lianna will do the best she can to review the situation and correct any errors where possible. But in return, we do ask you to appreciate that on Saturday mornings we run a large complex program with the minimum number of volunteers we think we are necessary. To eliminate all mistakes would require a lot more parent volunteers to be rostered on every Saturday morning. We do not think that our parents want this - and as we say from time to time: "This is not the Olympics".